Be a part of what
God is doing!
Feed the hungry and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.” – Isaiah 58:10
One of the best ways to meet people, cultivate relationships and grow as a follower of Christ is to serve. It takes 100s of men and women each Sunday to make a space for people to worship and connect, and even more to meet various tangible needs throughout the week. We’d love you to consider using your gifts, talents and abilities to join one of our many teams that serve here at church as well as alongside our Mission Partners meeting needs with the hope of Jesus both here and abroad.
Don't know where to volunteer, but want to get involved? Talk to a member of our team.
We’re here to help
God has equipped you with unique talents and abilities! At Christ Church, we are all part of a bigger mission to glorify God and help others thrive.
You’re invited to join a volunteer team and make a meaningful impact in our church, the surrounding communities and the world. Whether you are new here or you’ve been around for years, there’s a place for you! Being a part of a team will help you grow in your faith, experience joy and fulfillment, as well as being a part of how God is using us to share a grace that is greater than the gravity of life.
Want to get involved but don’t know where to start?
If you would like to explore a volunteer team at Christ Church, reach out to our Engagement Coordinator, Heather Franklin. If you are curious about volunteering in the community, reach out to our Lift Center Executive Director, Kelly Shiell. They would love to help you get started!