Volunteer with Kids

Volunteer with Kids

Use your time, talents and gifts to encourage kids in their faith journey.

We would love to have you join our team! 

Sunday Morning Check-In Team

Welcome families and help kids feel safe and excited about their Christ Church Kids experience. 

Early Childhood | Infant–Kindergarten

Be a part of making our little ones feel safe, secure and enjoy Sunday mornings through play, crafts and teaching.

Elementary | Grades 1–5

Teach and lead crafts, play and music so that kids will grow in their love for Jesus and His Word.

Disability Buddy | Infant–Grade 5

Help kids engage in community and programming through one-to-one support on Sunday mornings and at midweek programming.

Kids Club | Grades 1–5

Serve as a greeter, small group or workshop leader during this unique midweek program and help a child grow.

Midweek Child Care Volunteer | Infant–Kindergarten

Care for little ones and support parents as they take a next step in their faith journey.

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