Discover Christ Church
Take your next step
April 27 | 9:00–10:00 a.m. | Oak Brook
June 1 | 9:00–10:00 a.m. | Butterfield
June 1 | 10:45–11:40 a.m. | Oak Brook
Are you curious about Christ Church? Do you have questions about what we believe and where our passions lie? Have you wondered how to meet others and how to get plugged into what’s happening? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then we invite you to join us for Discover Christ Church at our Oak Brook or Butterfield campus.
At Oak Brook, our time will begin in the Boardroom where you can grab a coffee and a light breakfast snack. At Butterfield, you will experience the same hospitality as we gather in the Campus Pastor’s office. At both campuses, you'll have an opportunity to meet some of the pastors as well as others who are looking to connect at Christ Church. From our starting point, we will embark on a 15–20 minute walking tour where you’ll have an opportunity to learn more about some of the ministries of the church and see volunteers in action!
We will wrap up our time by giving you an opportunity to ask questions and discover more about who we are as a church, why we do things the way we do and how we can help you take the next step in your spiritual journey.
Email us at if you’d like to attend the next session.