Disability Ministry
Disability Ministry

Disability Ministry

Ensuring all people with disabilities are welcome, known and loved.

Christ Church believes all people bear the image of God and are a vital part of the body of Christ. We want all people with disabilities to belong, be included and engage in the life and community of Christ Church, as we follow Jesus in a complex world. 

Danielle Schaeffer is our Disability Ministry Director who works closely with the children, student and adult ministry teams. She will partner with your family as you engage at Christ Church. No matter what disability you have or what accommodation or adaptation is needed for your family, YOU are exactly the family we are looking for! Danielle would love to sit and have coffee or grab a meal with you and work together to make Christ Church your church home! 

Planning Your Visit
Christ Church Kids, infant–grade 5 and COW, our middle school ministry, meets every Sunday during all worship services at both campuses with the exception of a few holidays. Please take a moment to register your child before arriving on Sunday. 



Serving Opportunities
If you would be interested in being a buddy on a Sunday, at our mid-week student programming or at our adult Friendship Bible Class, please submit a volunteer interest form.

If you would like to connect with us, please contact:
Danielle Schaeffer | Disability Ministry Director | dschaeffer@ChristChurch.us | 630.321.6754 ext. 231