Middle School | COW
Wednesdays | September 4–May 7 | 7:00–8:45 p.m. | Oak Brook
Sundays | September 8–May 4 | 9:00 & 10:45 a.m. | Oak Brook

FEB 11, FEB 14, FEB 18, FEB 21, FEB 25, FEB 28, MAR 3, MAR 6, MAR 10, MAR 13, MAR 17, MAR 20, MAR 24, MAR 27, MAR 31, APR 3, APR 7, APR 10, APR 14, APR 17, APR 21, APR 24, APR 28, MAY 1, MAY 5, MAY 8

Middle School | COW

Students in grades 6, 7 and 8 meet at Christ Church to be in community with each other. Students are engaged in living a personal faith with Jesus in both large and small group gatherings Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights.

If you are interested in serving in COW as a small group leader or a disability buddy, please complete and submit the interest form below.


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    Sunday COW 2024–25
    Middle School Gathering | 9:00 & 10:45 a.m. | Oak Brook

    Middle School Ministry

    Sunday COW
    September 8–May 4
    9:00 & 10:45 a.m. | Oak Brook

    This is our Sunday morning small middle school gathering.  It is a place for students to come, play a few games, and then dig into God’s Word in a way that relates to their lives.  Come grab a donut, watch a few cartoons and then dive into some great biblical content! Please register using link below.

    Email gstevenson@ChristChurch.us or call Grace Stevenson at 630.321.3907 with any questions.

    To receive text updates for COW activities text @COWTexts to 81010.

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    Wednesday COW 2024–25
    September 4–May 7 | 7:00–8:30 p.m. 

    COW is the heartbeat of our middle school ministry. In this unique season, we will be gathering weekly for small groups and monthly for worship. We’d love for you to join our middle school community.

    COW | Oak Brook
    Wednesdays | Starts September 4–May 7 | 7:00–8:30 p.m.

    We gather as a whole student community every Wednesday night from 7:00–8:30 p.m. at our Oak Brook campus. Students will meet together as a large group community – where they’ll enjoy some middle school fun–then will split off into small groups where they’ll build great friendships, experience meaningful mentorship, and learn about God together. Please register with the link below. Please note that there is a $25 fee to cover materials and supplies for our weekly gatherings. If this is a hardship for your family email Mandy at mjanuszewski@ChristChurch.us.

    To receive text updates for COW activities text @COWTexts to 81010.


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    Back to School Bash & LIFT Open House
    Friday, September 13 & Sunday, September 15 
    Oak Brook | Butterfield

    Friday, September 13 | 4:00–7:00 p.m. | Oak Brook
    Sunday, September 15 | After 10:00 a.m. Worship | 11:15 a.m.–1:00 p.m. | Butterfield

    We are looking forward to how God is going to move in the lives of our kids this year!

    At our Oak Brook campus, we hope you'll join us for an open house to explore all the great new spaces created just for kids and students as a part of our LIFT initiative. Families are invited to pop by to visit the new student center & children's areas and enjoy some back-to-school festivities in the parking lot. 

    At our Butterfield campus, join us on our front lawn after worship for food, fun and an opportunity to reconnect with old friends or make new ones. We will have a bounce house, scavenger hunt, face painting, music, raffles and more! No registration is necessary. Our Food Pantry is collecting school lunch snack items such as granola bars, pretzels, fruit snacks, small bags of potato chips or other similar treats. We encourage you to bring these items with you to the Butterfield event and they will be given out at our Food Pantry every second Saturday of the month.


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    October 16 | 7:00–9:00 p.m. | Oak Brook

    Wednesday, October 16 | 7:00–9:00 p.m. | Oak Brook 
    Come join in for an all-out middle school party! On October 16, we will be hosting our annual COW karaoke party equipped with all the new hits, incredible snacks, a video game lounge, inflatable games, photo booth and much much more! Mark your calendars because you do not want to miss this! Register with link below.

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    Follow COW on Social Media!

    One great way to stay up to date with what's going on at COW is to follow us on social media. Click the links below to find us on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

    To receive text updates for COW activities text @COWTexts to 81010.

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    COW Summer Groups
    Wednesdays | 7:00–8:30 p.m. | June–July

    COW Summer Groups

    Wednesdays | June–July | 7:00–8:30 p.m. | Oak Brook 

    This summer our COW community will gather together on Wednesday evenings, for a time of games, worship, and community. We are looking forward to gathering the whole COW community together throughout the summer. Students will have opportunities to play games, worship, learn and then divide into groups for meaningful conversation!