Women of Hope
Tuesdays | New Study Begins March 18
9:00–11:00 a.m. | 7:00–8:30 p.m.
Oak Brook | Zoom options
Women of Hope is a place of connection, belonging and growth as women set aside time to encourage one another and study God's Word. Each week, we enjoy fellowship and conversation in a large-group setting, and then break into small discussion groups. Whether you are new to your faith journey or have been studying the Bible for years, Women of Hope is a wonderful community to learn, grow and connect with other women.
Join us for this 6-week study on the book of Colossians we go verse-by-verse to learn about the sufficiency of Christ.
Imagine if the honest cry of your heart was “I have enough. I need nothing more.” Every billboard, banner, ad, and clickbait article is telling us what “more” we need and how to get it. Better sleep! Financial success! Flawless skin! Obedient kids! But the sleek sales pitches never quite live up to to their promises. The Bible says Jesus is enough. And we believe it. But how in the world do we convince our stubborn hearts to live it out?
Registration is for NEW women only. Everyone who was registered in the fall session is registered for the winter/spring session as well, you only need to pay for your book on March 18.
Copies of our spring study, He Is Enough: Living in the Fullness of Jesus by Asheritah Ciuciu, will be sold for $12 on March 18 at Women of Hope as well as in our church Bookstore throughout the study.
Register for Women of Hope a.m. & Zoom Session
Register for Women of Hope p.m. Session
Child care is FREE (Infant–kindergarten) and offered for the Tuesday morning session only.
Visit the Christ Church Women's Ministry page on YouTube to watch the weekly message.
The spring study will begin March 18.
Questions? Contact Cathy at clapinski@ChristChurch.us