Welcome to Week Nine!

This week we continue to dive into the idea of service as it relates to our faith journey.

You will build off of last week's devotionals and begin to work through how God has uniquely designed each of us to serve His Kingdom.

Week Nine


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    Day One


    PRAY: Begin your time today by asking God to help you see how He has equipped you to serve His Kingdom.

    WRITE: In your journal, respond to the prompts below.

    1. In what ways is it really easy for you to serve God and others?
    2. Thinking through a normal week, where are places where you serve God or others?

    ENGAGE: Watch the Serve Devotional Video.


    WRITE: In your journal, respond to the prompts below.

    1. What was that time like for you?
    2. What do you think the Lord was saying to you during that?
    3. How might you try to live out His call for you?

    PRAY: Close your time by asking God to help you focus on that call for you.




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    Day Two


    PRAY: Spend some time thinking through your last week. Share with God the places where you served Him, and the places where there may be missed opportunities to serve Him.

    WRITE: In your journal, respond to the prompts below.

    1. How do you serve in your everyday life.
    2. Why are we called to serve?
    3. As we continue to think of our faith as a journey, what might service look like in that metaphor?

    REFLECT: Often we think of service as something that happens a mile off the trail, an unrelated good deed that doesn't really tie into what is going on in our relationship with God. When we think about our faith as a journey or a hike, we are compelled to help those that lie in the path before us and give them a hand up so that they might complete the voyage.

    WRITE: In your journal, respond to the prompts below.

    1. How does serving others affect our relationship with God?
    2. What service opportunities might lie in the path of your journey?

    PRAY: Share with God the places where you want to serve others this week. Ask Him to help you have the strength to do so.

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    Day Three


    PRAY: Spend a few moments in silence, eliminate distractions around you and ask God to help you be aware of His presence.

    READ: In your Bible, or below, read 1 Corinthians 12:4–6.

    There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.
    There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are
    different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the
    same God at work.

    WRITE: In your journal, respond to the prompts below.

    1. What stands out to you from that passage?
    2. What are the different kinds of gifts that you think God may have given you?
    3. How might those gifts help serve God's kingdom and His people?
    4. How can you recognize those gifts more in order to live into them more deeply?

    PRAY: Close your time asking God to continue to show you how He has gifted you to serve.

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    Day Four


    PRAY: Open your time by thanking God for the day and for the opportunities He gives us to serve Him.

    ENGAGE: Click the link below to take a Spiritual Gifts Inventory test. This test, while imperfect, offers a cool look at how God has wired you to serve. Take the test here.

    WRITE: Spend some time writing down a quick summary of your results from the test in your journal

    PRAY: Talk to God about those results and thank Him for gifting you uniquely.

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    Day Five, Six & Seven


    PRAY: Talk to God about how He has created you – ask Him to reveal to you the places He wants you to live into your gifts.

    REFLECT: Spend a few moments reading over your summary of the spiritual gift inventory test from day four.

    WRITE: In your journal, respond to the prompts below.

    1. What surprised you about the results from the spiritual gifts test?
    2. How can you see yourself using those gifts to serve others?
    3. How can you see yourself using those gifts to serve God?

    ENGAGE: Watch the “Walk In Love” video from Sadie Robertson.

    WRITE: In your journal, respond to the prompts below.

    1. What new thought or idea stands out to you from this video?
    2. How might being an “Imitator of Christ” change the way we see and serve others?

    PRAY: Close your time by asking God to help you be an imitator of him – to follow His example in how you love others. (Ephesians 5:1)