Welcome to Week Six!

Last week, we read about how Scripture is “God-breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16–17). The words we read in the Bible are not just historical documents but are words that God gives us as a gift to know Him and as a guide to navigate our world.

But, the words God chose were written in a specific context and style. Some are letters, some share history, others are stories. This week, our goal is to better understand the books of the Bible and the overall narrative God gives us – a narrative we get to take part in.

Week Six 


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    Day One


    PRAY: Spend a few moments asking God to open your heart to His presence with you right now.

    WRITE: In your journal, respond to the prompts below.

    1. Why do we read the Bible?
    2. Why is it important to know what kind of literature you’re reading (poem, letters, history, etc.)?
    3. What are three things you know about the story of the Bible?

    ENGAGE: This week, we will be spending a lot of time breaking down this video. Watch the video carefully and listen for the overarching narrative of the Bible.


    WRITE: In your journal, respond to the prompt below.

    1. What are three things that stand out to you from the video, and one thing you have a question about?

    REFLECT: The whole narrative of the Bible tells us the story of God's purpose and work in our lives. He seeks to restore us to a perfect relationship with Him. Spend time today reflecting on how God might want to use you in the story He is writing.

    PRAY: Ask God to guide you with His Scripture to be a part of His kingdom work.



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    Day Two


    PRAY: Open a conversation with God, talking to Him about how your day is going.

    REFLECT: Spend some time brushing back up on the video from yesterday. If you feel the need, go ahead and watch it again.

    WRITE: In your journal, respond to the prompts below.

    1. In your own words, describe each of these pieces of the narrative of the Bible: Creation/Garden, The Fall, God + Israel, Prophets + Poets, The Gospels, Acts, The Letters, Revelation
    2. Which of those pieces do you understand the most about? Which one might you need more time understanding?
    3. Choose one of those aspects and write about how that piece of the biblical narrative is important for us to understand for our life and faith today.

    ENGAGE: In your Bible, take a look at the table of contents. Using the categories from above, see if you can match each book of the Bible with the appropriate category.

    WRITE: In your journal, respond to the prompts below.

    1. In which book(s) might you find stories from Jesus’ life?
    2. In which book(s) might you find prophecies about Jesus?
    3. Which book(s) would you turn to in order to read stories about the Israelites?
    4. Which book(s) would you turn to in order to read about the early church?
    5. Why is it important that we know our Bibles and where to find things?

    PRAY: Close your time in prayer, asking God to help you grow in your knowledge of and passion for the Bible.

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    Day Three


    PRAY: In your Bible, turn to Psalm 23. Use that Psalm as a prayer to open your time today.

    WRITE: In your journal, respond to the prompts below.

    1. What was it like to pray through that Psalm? Was that new for you/something you've done before?
    2. How might praying through Scripture be helpful for spiritual growth?

    ENGAGE: Watch the Lectio Divina video for today.


    WRITE: In your journal, respond to the prompts below.

    1. What were you hearing from God as you watched the video?
    2. How can you make Scripture more a part of your weekly routine?
    3. Where is God leading you to engage more with Scripture or understand Scripture more?
    4. What are you confused about with the Bible?

    PRAY: Close your time, asking God to draw you closer to Him through His Word.



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    Day Four


    PRAY: Open a conversation with God, inviting Him into your week. Share with Him how you are feeling and what has been occupying your thoughts.

    ENGAGE: Think back to the video from week one again – take some time to rewatch it if necessary.

    WRITE: In your journal, respond to the prompts below.

    1. How would you explain the overarching narrative of Scripture to someone who didn't know about it?
    2. How is understanding the story of the Bible important for our faith today?
    3. Why is it helpful to know how different Bible stories fit into the overall narrative of the Bible?

    REFLECT: The overall narrative of the Bible tells the story of God's amazing sacrifice to save us from our sin and bring us into eternal life with Him. It points to an amazing future where Jesus will come again and usher His Kingdom into being.

    WRITE: In your journal, respond to the prompts below.

    1. What comforts you about the overall narrative of the Bible?
    2. What still confuses you about the narrative of the Bible?

    PRAY: Close your time in prayer by lifting up those in your life who may need God's peace and comfort.

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    Day Five, Six & Seven


    PRAY: Spend a few minutes in prayer, quieting your heart and allowing distractions to fall away. Ask God to help you be mindful of His presence today.

    ENGAGE: Watch the video from Jon Jorgenson for today.

    WRITE: In your journal, respond to the prompts below.

    1. What did you learn from the video? What was helpful?
    2. What was confusing about the video? What was difficult?
    3. Why is context important and helpful for our Bible study?
    4. Why is it dangerous when we take the Bible's words out of context?
    5. How can we learn the context of the Bible passages we read?
    6. How might you try to get to know the context of the Bible more in your own personal devotions?

    PRAY: Close this time in prayer, thanking God for giving us His Word, the Bible. Ask Him to continue to grow your love and passion for Scripture.