Emil Toader

Missio Link International | Romania

Relieving Suffering, Lifting Women & Children, Multiplying Churches & Disciples

Emil Toader

Missio Link International | Romania

Relieving Suffering, Lifting Women & Children, Multiplying Churches & Disciples

Missio Link International (MLI) uses a two-prong approach to serve God’s redemptive mission in Romania and throughout the world.

Their “Church & Mission” focus builds partnerships between Romanian and American churches; provides leadership development that equips church leaders to multiply disciples; and offers Christian camps and retreats for youth in the beautiful mountains of the Alpinis region.

MLI’s “Children at Risk” focus addresses the spiritual and material needs of Romania’s disadvantaged children through a variety of programs:

  • “Back to School” prevents school dropout and child abandonment;
  • “Aspirations” equips at-risk children for an independent life;
  • “Harmony” offers Christian counseling and biblical education.

MLI also cares for women. Deborah House provides a safe home and a fresh start for victims of severe abuse and human trafficking, while Mitspa House offers special protection and education for at-risk mothers of newborns.


Our Global Missions team has provided emergency financial assistance to our mission partners and other organizations working to help throughout Eastern Europe, including Missio Link International in Romania.

  • Partnering with churches to care for those staying in Ukraine.
  • Transporting refugees to, and housing them at, MLI’s retreat facility in rural Alpinis, Romania. Providing shelter and psychological counseling for children and mothers from Ukraine’s Child Protection Services.