Financial Update

Financial Update

Financial Update

Financial Update

LIFTing the Faith of the Next Generation

We are more than halfway through our commitment to LIFTing 10,000 people by the close of 2024 and we see the evidence of how God has been moving in and through us all around. What is equally remarkable is that we know that our good and gracious God is transforming lives in ways that we cannot see or imagine.

Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude for those who have invested their time and talents, as well as their financial gifts. And it is with holy anticipation that we look toward the fall, and the many opportunities to LIFT others. Within our church and community, we can help children and students grow a vibrant and vital faith–one that knows deeply a grace greater than the gravity of life.

Here are just a few ways you can help:

Become a buddy

One of the goals of LIFT is to build a Disability Ministry so everyone feels welcomed, known and loved as they cultivate a relationship with Jesus. We need volunteers to buddy up with our children, students, and adults with disabilities to help them participate fully in Sunday and mid-week ministry groups. No special skills are necessary, just a loving and caring heart and a willingness to learn and help. Visit here for more information or to fill out a Volunteer Interest Form.

Volunteer for Kids Club

Last year we launched a mid-week group for kids in grades 1–5 at the Butterfield campus. Parents and kids alike loved the program. Our hope is to expand it to the Oak Brook campus this fall. To do that, we need volunteers to support the variety of activities each week. The programs will run from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. Visit here for more information and to fill out a form expressing interest. Someone from our team will reach out soon.

Christ Church can reach more kids and students with the life-changing love of Jesus because of the generous way our congregation give, serves and LIFTs others.




Financial Statement

In addition to the giving of your time and talents to Christ Church, we continue to celebrate the financial sacrifice the congregation is making toward providing their gifts and financial commitments to the church. The June YTD financial results has a net deficit, which is expected to be temporary due to the revenue stream being heavily weighted toward year-end as compared to the LIFT expenditures that are being made earlier in the year. We anticipate the full year 2024 financial results to be balanced. As planned, Christ Church is utilizing the prior year surplus to help fund the current year LIFT expenditure. Through your faithful giving, we continue to make progress toward meeting the overall 2-year LIFT goal of $31.7 million. For the period of January 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, Christ Church has received $23.8 million in donations, which is $1.5 million or 6.6% ahead of the 18 month LIFT budget. 

Where Does Your Giving Go?

* Ministry includes supporting worship and programs that help adults and children draw closer to God.
** Mission Partners supports more than 65 local and global ministries.
*** Capital Expenses supports the funding of our mortgage and building improvements.


Being Faithful

Being a faithful steward of your financial contributions to the life of the church is essential to my role as the Accounting Director at Christ Church. I am passionate about utilizing our given resources to make the most effective impact for our Christ Church community as well as with our mission partners both locally and globally. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out.