Back to School Supplies Drive
July 7–August 4 | Oak Brook & Butterfield
This fall, many kids in our community will go back to school without the basic supplies they need. You can help by donating items that our Food Pantry ministry will distribute to boys and girls in need. Thank you for helping us equip students in our area to thrive!
Butterfield Curbside Drop-off: Drop items off at your convenience at our Butterfield campus – Door 1. Gift cards can be put in the lockbox outside of Door 1.
Oak Brook Drop-off: Drop items off on Sundays at the Connections Center in the Atrium or at your convenience in the hallway by Door 17 (the entrance nearest Fellowship Hall and the Commons). Gift cards can be put in the lockbox outside of Door 17.
Back-to-School Supplies needed:
- $20 Walmart gift cards (to purchase shoes)
- Lunch bags
- Reusable water bottles
NOTE | We are not collecting backpacks, as they will be ordered in bulk at a lower price.
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