05.19.2024 Lead Pastor
Transition Update


May 19, 2024

Dear Christ Church,

In these transformative times for our congregation, we would like to share a message of patience and encouragement as we seek our next Lead Pastor. We are in a season of anticipation and change, and while the wait may seem lengthy, it is a vital period of prayerful discernment and careful decision-making.

Our partners at Slingshot Group have been engaging with a wide range of potential candidates. They have expressed optimism about the initial discussions and are conducting in-depth conversations with several of these candidates. Concurrently, Slingshot continues to identify and reach out to additional candidates. We anticipate the preliminary interviews conducted by the Search Committee to occur at the end of June.

In Scripture we are reminded of the beauty and benefit of waiting on the Lord. “But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31). Let’s take this time to strengthen our faith and trust in God’s timing, which is always perfect.

We appreciate your prayers and the supportive role each of you plays in this significant phase of our church's life. We encourage you to persist in prayer, especially for Slingshot Group as they proceed with their candidate interviews and for Dan and Amy as they prepare for their exciting journey ahead.

Thank you for your steadfast faith and patience. Together, let’s look forward with hope and eager expectation to the leadership that God will continue to provide.

Sara Harris
Search Committee Co-Chair

Luke Tenery                
Search Committee Co-Chair

Tim MacKenzie
Trustee Board Vice-Chair